We traveled 4 hours by boat to Mazan, then put them on
mototaxi’s and brought them to the Centro de Salud in Mazan. There, we gave
some antibiotics, ensured they were stable, and drove another 15 minutes on
mototaxi to the port on the other side of Mazan. After 3 hours in Mazen, we loaded the stretchers onto the
boats again and headed to Iquitos. In Iquitos at the Nanay port, we carried the
stretchers up to the street and waited for the ambulance. It arrived but had
enough room for one patient only. We took Jany first since she was unconscious,
and then the ambulance came back to pick up Carola. We had in depth discussions
with the internist and spine surgeon in Iquitos regarding diagnosis and
management of our two patients.
We also stopped to visit the 6-month-old patient Jordan with
seizures and meningitis who Brian had airlifted to Iquitos two days prior. He
was intubated and sedated, but stable. His mother, who had been weeping
uncontrollably as the plane took off with her husband and only child, had found
the strength and hope to stand strong for her son. We were talking and laughing
about everyday things and it was really nice to be able to keep her company for
a while.
After ensuring that they were stable and well cared for,
Alicia and I headed back to the Vicariate where we spent the night. It was a
restful and rejuvenating 8 hours of sleep after a day of boats, mototaxis, and stretchers.
7 July 2012
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